The Antichrist Is a Nice Guy

Eck published an analysis of the Antichrist on (6 May). - Not the idols of paganism are the true idols, but the idols of possession, prestige, pleasure and power; slavery …Bebree
Eck published an analysis of the Antichrist on (6 May).
- Not the idols of paganism are the true idols, but the idols of possession, prestige, pleasure and power; slavery is embodied in them.
- The devil rules and holds people in bondage through the law of sin, and is therefore called "the prince of this world" (John 12).
- Christ was not interested in exchanging one religion for another, but he wanted to go to the root of the human problem: the human heart.
- Christ did not confront the kings of his time, who were mere puppets, but the One who gave them their orders. Christ didn't confront the rich, but the money that created them; he didn't confront sinners, but sin, which he destroyed on the cross.
- The Saviour came to "revolutionise" the world, that is, to bring it back to where it was before the Fall. "Re-volvere" in Latin, applied to the planets, means to return them to their true course.
- The "revolutionary work" of the Church, her saints and …Bebree
Irlmaier, Emi, berichtet über das Neueste was sich erfüllt von Alois Irlmaier. Podesta Kunstaustellung, Achtung, das es euch nicht schlecht wird!…/die-podesta-kun… Wohnbau …Bebree
Irlmaier, Emi, berichtet über das Neueste was sich erfüllt von Alois Irlmaier.
Podesta Kunstaustellung, Achtung, das es euch nicht schlecht wird!…/die-podesta-kun… Wohnbau für Flüchtlinge in Hamburg, ja staunt und seht!!…/hamburg-eidelst… Die Gedanken sind frei!!
Theresia Katharina
Es geht schon los mit den Folgen des Migrationspaktes! Kaum unterschrieben geht's los! MdEP Udo Voigt wurde in Marrakesch verhaftet!Bebree
Es geht schon los mit den Folgen des Migrationspaktes!
Kaum unterschrieben geht's los! MdEP Udo Voigt wurde in Marrakesch verhaftet!

Peru Recognises Transvestitism as a Mental Disorder

The Peruvian Ministry of Health (MINSA) has decided to include the WHO's International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) in the health insurance system (PEAS). On 10 May this year, the Peruvian …Bebree
The Peruvian Ministry of Health (MINSA) has decided to include the WHO's International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) in the health insurance system (PEAS).
On 10 May this year, the Peruvian executive approved a decree affecting transvestites.
In this measure, the Ministry of Health (MINSA) has decided to include the WHO's International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) in the Health Insurance System (PEAS), which implies the recognition of homosexual "identities", especially those who identify as transvestites, as pathologies.
ICD-10 diagnoses related to different expressions of sexuality and gender [pseudo] identity will now be considered mental disorders covered by the National Health Service.
Although the aim of this measure is to favour and pay attention to the people concerned, the decree has provoked intense debate and dissatisfaction among the homosexual lobbies, which have been trying for years to present their behaviour as normal, which can fluctuate according to the …Bebree
Sean Johnson
Perhaps, but they’re also the only one who showed up besides Russia.
Well shiver me tutus, they're a little late to the patry aren't they.
Bürgermeisterkandidat von London, Shyam Batra, über 15-Minuten-Städte: "Wir werden in einem offenen Gefängnis sein... für den Rest unseres Lebens." "Sie werden kein Benzin- oder Dieselauto mehr fahren …Bebree
Bürgermeisterkandidat von London, Shyam Batra, über 15-Minuten-Städte: "Wir werden in einem offenen Gefängnis sein... für den Rest unseres Lebens."
"Sie werden kein Benzin- oder Dieselauto mehr fahren können... Wenn Sie Essen möchten, erhalten Sie ein kaloriengesteuertes System, das Ihnen per SMS zugesandt wird und besagt, dass Sie dies heute essen können... Wenn Sie gegen eines dieser Dinge verstoßen, wird Ihr Bankkonto eingefroren."
Herr Konrad
Das soll Weltweit so werden. Tolle Zukunft der Kinder. 😡 Freiheit ist böse.
Santa Cruz
Dann viel Spaß mit Euren Migranten. Wenn die zum Krieg ausrufen, dann Gute Nacht
1 nsɛmka bebree

Fiducia Supplicans: Another Homosex-Blasphemy in a Church

Triggered by Francis' homosexual propaganda piece 'Fiducia supplicans', a homosexual [pseudo] blessing was staged in the Nuestra Señora de Belén Church in Miajadas, Diocese of Plasencia, Spain. One of …Bebree
Triggered by Francis' homosexual propaganda piece 'Fiducia supplicans', a homosexual [pseudo] blessing was staged in the Nuestra Señora de Belén Church in Miajadas, Diocese of Plasencia, Spain.
One of the two homosexual concubines admitted on a social network that their complicity in sin was hardened and had lasted for 30 years.
"We were very happy to be able to do it in the Church, to be the first homosexual couple of many to come," he announced.
It seems that the initiative for the sacrilege came from Don Enrique Gómez Rodríguez, the parish priest, as can be seen from a post by one of the concubines: "THANK YOU Enrique, for proposing to us to have the blessing in the church of Bethlehem, to which we did not hesitate for a minute to say 'yes'. It was a beautiful ceremony".
During the [pseudo] blessing, the two homosexuals each held a candle, and the priest wore an alb and a stole.
Gómez Rodríguez is known for his pro-homosexual weakness. Yet he is a member of the Council of Priests of …Bebree
This apostasy coming from the very top the same techniques used to subvert higher education with culture Marxism is used against the Catholic Church.Who …Bebree
This apostasy coming from the very top the same techniques used to subvert higher education with culture Marxism is used against the Catholic Church.Who controls purse strings rule
Denis Efimov
During the heyday of the Arian heresy, our Catholic churches were also occupied by heretics, about which Saint Athanasius wrote a very precise letter.
1 nsɛmka bebree
INTERVIEW MIT DR. CARRIE MADEJ, USA – DIE SPRITZE MIT DEM GEN-CODE -KLA.TV (R.F.) Die bekannte investigative Ärztin ruft alle Menschen auf, weder freiwillig noch bereitwillig auf Freiheiten und …Bebree
Die bekannte investigative Ärztin ruft alle Menschen auf, weder freiwillig noch bereitwillig auf Freiheiten und Bürgerrechte zu verzichten, sondern nach dem größeren Plan zu fragen, der hinter allen wissenschaftlich unbegründeten Covid-Zwangsmaßnahmen steht.
Darius Wiench kyɛ wei

Homsex-Schism Overshadows Anglican Meeting in Rome

Anglican Communions from around the world met in Rome from 29 April to 3 May. 32 provinces were present, but nine - those who have young members and are growing in numbers - were absent. Most of the …Bebree
Anglican Communions from around the world met in Rome from 29 April to 3 May. 32 provinces were present, but nine - those who have young members and are growing in numbers - were absent.
Most of the latter refused to attend for reasons of conscience. The Lay-Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, shed some crocodile tears, describing the Anglican schism he had created himself as "very distressing".
"The real issue remains the Church of England's decision to consider further the extent to which it will support the blessing of couples in homosexual relationships," he admitted.
Francis received the participants of the meeting on 2 May. He asked the homosexual propagandists and heretics for their prayers: "My work is hard. Please pray for me".
Picture: Vaticna Media, #newsAgzekjhpao
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio and his accomplice Justin Welby two apostates in cahoots, defying the laws of God and attacking Catholic morality.
Tony M
This video of a very recent talk given by Liz Yore will explain all you need to know. Send it to every single person you can think of!!! Awesome!!! …Bebree
This video of a very recent talk given by Liz Yore will explain all you need to know.
Send it to every single person you can think of!!! Awesome!!!
Bonfire of Vanities: Our Lady Crushes the Head of the Great Reset by Elizabeth Yore | FC24 Dallas,TX
3 nsɛmka bebree

Oraciones de Santa Brígida para rezar durante 12 años

estas oraciones, como le han sido dadas por el Señor a Santa Brígida, deben rezarse durante 12 años. En caso que la persona que las rece muera antes que pasen los doce años, el Señor aceptará estas …Bebree
estas oraciones, como le han sido dadas por el Señor a Santa Brígida, deben rezarse durante 12 años. En caso que la persona que las rece muera antes que pasen los doce años, el Señor aceptará estas oraciones como si se hubieran rezado en su totalidad. Si se saltase un día o un par de días con justa causa, podrán ser compensadas al final de los 12 años.
Esta devoción ha sido declarada buena y recomendada tanto por el Sacro Collegio de Propaganda Fidei, como por el Papa Clemente XII. El Papa Inocencio X confirmó esta revelación como “venida del Señor”.
1. El alma que las reza no sufrirá ningún Purgatorio.2. El alma que las reza será aceptada entre los mártires como si hubiera derramado su propia sangre por la fe.3 El alma que las reza puede (debe) elegir a otros tres a quienes Jesús mantendrá luego en un estado de gracia suficiente para que se santifiquen. (*)4. Ninguna de las cuatro generaciones siguientes al alma que las reza se perderá.5. El alma que las reza será consciente …Bebree
perceo3 kyɛ wei
Marcelo Fernando de Argentina
Es muy importante rezar estas oraciones para salvar el alma.
4 nsɛmka bebree

Conversion to the Church Produced Strange Phenomena

Jayme Clune of Atlanta, Georgia, testified on (6 May) about "strange occurrences" in her home as her family began the conversion process to Catholicism. She and her husband received …Bebree
Jayme Clune of Atlanta, Georgia, testified on (6 May) about "strange occurrences" in her home as her family began the conversion process to Catholicism.
She and her husband received baptism, confirmation and Holy Communion at this year's Easter Vigil. Prior to their conversion, the family attended a non-denominational religious group with large video screens, weak music and a feel-good preacher. They have two young children.
Jayme Clune studied the history of the early Church and found that her beliefs were consistent with those of the Catholic Church. She and her husband were both drawn to the tradition, liturgy and sacraments of the Church.
As they began the official process of conversion, they were confronted with strange occurrences in their home.
- Lights would go on in rooms where no one had been.
- A large arched window inexplicably shattered, sending thousands of shards of glass across the floor.
- Water leaked from the kitchen sink.
- The toilets overflowed. - …Bebree
Ivan Tomas
Call an exorcist. Evil spirits must be driven out of that house.
Elephant Sprays Water at Lion An elephant comes to drink water near a resting lioness. When the lioness sees the elephant, it's too late to run, so she hides behind the well. All seems to go well, …Bebree
Elephant Sprays Water at Lion
An elephant comes to drink water near a resting lioness. When the lioness sees the elephant, it's too late to run, so she hides behind the well. All seems to go well, until the elephant notices her, gets a fright, and sprays her with water. 😂 Send in your wildlife video here, and earn money: Film and Earn - Latest Sightings
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Remember Francis’ "Don’t Breed Like Rabbits"? Now He Wants "More Babies"

Francis urged Italians on May 10 to have children, calling for long-term policies to help families and warning that the country’s demographic crisis was threatening the future. “The number of births …Bebree
Francis urged Italians on May 10 to have children, calling for long-term policies to help families and warning that the country’s demographic crisis was threatening the future.
“The number of births is the first indicator of the hope of a people,” Francis said at an annual gathering of pro-family groups. “Without children and young people, a country loses its desire for the future.”
Italy’s birth rate, already one of the lowest in the world, has been falling steadily for about 15 years and reached a record low last year with 379,000 babies born.
In 2015, Francis said that Catholics shouldn’t “breed like rabbits”. He claimed that “responsible parenthood” requires the spouses to regulate the births of their children.
Picture: VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto, #newsHjevsbyxfw
because of the injection a lot of women lost their babies
i remember when he said that i also remember when he said it was an act of charity to take the injection
6 nsɛmka bebree
May 13, 2024: Walking into a First Communion with a rifle? That DOES look suspicious. Good thing the ‘parishioners’ escorted him out for the police?

Bishop Strickland: "I Am Not A Sedevacantist."

Bishop Joseph Strickland wrote on (May 9) that he has been mislabeled as a sedevacantist by “a small number of people”. Strickland describes sedevacantism as a false belief and …Bebree
Bishop Joseph Strickland wrote on (May 9) that he has been mislabeled as a sedevacantist by “a small number of people”.
Strickland describes sedevacantism as a false belief and the claim that there has been no valid pope since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, that as well as that the sacrament of Holy Orders is invalid in the Novus Ordo.
Strickland writes: “I want to make it clear that I am not and have never been a sedevacantist, as most people who have read my pastoral letters should know.”
And, “I have the utmost respect for the office of the papacy - the Vicar of Christ - and I regularly quote the teachings of Pope St. John Paul II and Benedict XVI, as well as other popes who have occupied the Chair of St. Peter since Vatican II.”
He doesn't mention Francis but prays that the papacy "will stand always as a visible sign of truth, clarity, and unity to Christ and to the faithful."
la verdad prevalece
Since 2013 the Seat of Peter is usurped by an apostate who defies the Natural Law of God and the laws of the Church.
I am a sedevacantist. And proud.
5 nsɛmka bebree
Lord, have mercy.
Bruceph Mildur
Consealed Carry.
Everyday for Life Canada
When the government implements policies and laws that undermine Church teaching what can we expect? In Canada, we have over 100 Christian churches …Bebree
When the government implements policies and laws that undermine Church teaching what can we expect? In Canada, we have over 100 Christian churches desecrated, vandalized and burned to the ground. PM Trudeau says this is all understandable in the wake of what may be the greatest hoax in Canadian history. The residential schools mass graves narrative pushed by the government and the MSM. Hatred for church teaching is accepted by most of those in power.

Liturgy: Francis' Polemics Miss the Point

"Liturgy without the union of man with God is an aberration," Francis rightly wrote on 10 May to a delegation from the 'Higher Institute of Liturgy of Barcelona' in Spain. But it didn't occur to him …Bebree
"Liturgy without the union of man with God is an aberration," Francis rightly wrote on 10 May to a delegation from the 'Higher Institute of Liturgy of Barcelona' in Spain.
But it didn't occur to him that this is precisely the problem with the secularised Novus Ordo.
He added another truism: "An aberration, for example, would be a liturgy enslaved to rubricism, which does not promote union with God".
In fact, the rubrics (i.e. the instructions on how a liturgy is to be celebrated) are so precise and detailed that they relieve the priest from being forced to be a showman who has to make up the course of what is to follow, focusing on the audience rather than on God.
The rubrics carry the priest along so that he can concentrate fully on the "union of man with God".
Francis asked liturgists to "work to bring our daily liturgy to life", thus admitting that the Novus Ordo is dead.
More false dichotomies from the Vatican II crowd. Past examples: Personal piety useless without liturgy, Loving God useless without honoring the poor …Bebree
More false dichotomies from the Vatican II crowd. Past examples: Personal piety useless without liturgy, Loving God useless without honoring the poor, Knowing the faith is useless without a 'personal encounter' with Christ, etc. The truth is that one should do BOTH things, not set one against the other!
Dr Bobus
More accurate: An aberration, for example, would be a liturgy enslaved to superficial social aspects and/or leftist politics, which does not promote …Bebree
More accurate:
An aberration, for example, would be a liturgy enslaved to superficial social aspects and/or leftist politics, which does not promote union with God".
8 nsɛmka bebree

HAARP’s aurora switch was turned on last week to create “artificial airglows”

The aurora borealis, also known as the northern lights, has been a spectacular sight in the night sky recently. On 10 May …

Church Hate Propaganda in Canada: They Spent $8m and Found NOTHING

Canada's 'Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations' has confirmed it has spent C$7.9 million (!) to uncover the "heartbreaking truth" of "unmarked graves" at the former Catholic residential school for …Bebree
Canada's 'Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations' has confirmed it has spent C$7.9 million (!) to uncover the "heartbreaking truth" of "unmarked graves" at the former Catholic residential school for Indians in Kamloops.
What everybody knew from the start: Not a single "mass grave" was found, despite a gigantic media propaganda storm by the oligarchs claiming their existence and even bringing Francis to his knees. It was all a hoax.
Also interesting: There has been no public disclosure of how the funds were used to find the non-existent mass graves, reports (9 May).
The announcement of the discovery of 215 graves of children [all died over a long period of time of natural causes] at the Kamloops Residential School site in 2021 by the 'First Nation', a PR organisation for Canadian Indians, caused an international outcry, including an 'apology' from Francis.
In reality, the Church did a heroic job in very difficult conditions to bring education and civilisation to …Bebree
Boanerges Boanerges
Institutional satanism is a trademark of antichristic times. I do believe both Bergoglio and Trudeau receive instructions from Antichrist
Everyday for Life Canada
This could be the greatest hoax in Canadian history. It’s good business for the bureaucrats, the lawyers and the Indigenous who collect millions. The …Bebree
This could be the greatest hoax in Canadian history. It’s good business for the bureaucrats, the lawyers and the Indigenous who collect millions. The one who gets shafted is the tax payer.
3 nsɛmka bebree
Sacrifice and abstinence

Crocodile Tears: Vatican Official Cries over Novus Ordo Decadence

"We see in some of the faithful a certain confusion in the liturgy," Bishop Aurelio García Macías, undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Liturgy, told the diocese of Malaga, Spain, writes …Bebree
"We see in some of the faithful a certain confusion in the liturgy," Bishop Aurelio García Macías, undersecretary of the Dicastery for the Liturgy, told the diocese of Malaga, Spain, writes (1 May).
Mgr. García has been in his current position since May 2021. He previously worked for Cardinal Sarah in the same dicastery.
By "in some of the faithful" he must have meant the overwhelming majority of the faithful, and by "a certain confusion" the ongoing dissolution of the liturgy, which is no longer even Protestant, but secularised and pagan.
He blames an "excess of individualism" that "prevails in today's society" for the fact that "everyone can decide what they like in the liturgy". It is an old trick of the bishops to blame "society" for their own mistakes.
"In the face of the 'I', the Pope asks us for the 'we' of the community," García insists, while Francis rules the Vatican alone and unaccountable to anyone but his private whims.
Here is another pearl of wisdom straight …Bebree
P. O'B
Take some more poison and you'll feel better.
Father Karl A Claver
Vatican II has time bombs which can go off at any time. This has been going on now for over 60 years. When will the looney liturgies end? When the Novus …Bebree
Vatican II has time bombs which can go off at any time. This has been going on now for over 60 years. When will the looney liturgies end? When the Novus Ordo is suppressed, and the Tridentine Mass reestablished as the official liturgy of the Roman rite.
2 nsɛmka bebree
To where is Pope Francis leading the Catholic Church?

Homosexual blessing becomes pseudo-wedding in Spain

Homosexual blessing becomes pseudo-wedding in Spain Add and continue. Fiducia supplicans continues to wreak havoc as it is being interpreted to suit …
Denis Efimov
God is infinitely wise, but the devil is not wise. The satan in the person of Francis is attacking the Church, but he did not take into account that …Bebree
God is infinitely wise, but the devil is not wise. The satan in the person of Francis is attacking the Church, but he did not take into account that the monstrous heresy and apostasy of Francis will make the latter a “great awakener”, thanks to which many Catholics will finally open their eyes and understand that the conciliar church, which arose 60 years ago, this is the path to hell.
Boanerges Boanerges
False prophet Bergoglio leads souls to Hell but he does not lead Catholic Church for that would be impossible
1 nsɛmka bebree